Our vision is to contribute to and inspire partner clients in the aspects of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance). Within these pillars, we aim to add value to the brand of associated companies.
Our mission is to be an energy awareness company in Brazil, where our users can visualize their monthly energy savings with the possibility of exchanging points/benefits/discounts.
Financial Education: We believe in the importance of making conscious and responsible financial decisions, planning for both the present and the future.
Brand Relationships: We continually seek to improve our products and services by investing in innovation.
Social Awareness: We encourage civic engagement and individual responsibility to create stronger and fairer communities

Within the national scenario, we identify the problem as a lack of knowledge and awareness regarding excessive energy consumption and wastefulness with equipment. As a solution, we propose creating a mobile app that allows users to control their energy expenses with a scoring system and the option to exchange points for benefits/discounts.
2023 - Set/Nov
My Role
Product Designer
The process
O Design Thinking is an iterative process, which means you can go back to any of the steps if necessary. It's a flexible approach that puts user needs at the center of the problem-solving process, which often results in more effective, customer-centric solutions.
insight into the problem
- Benckmark
- Interviews
the area to focus upon
- Journey and Flow
- Personas
- Business Model
- Market Research
potencial solutions
- Wireframes
- Prototype
- Usability Tests
solutions that work
- Definition
- Documentation
There are various type of persona, we use the Proto-Personas.
Used for quick alignments with the team, based on assumptions about who the users are, but not grounded in specific research

Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking
Visualizing user attitudes and behaviors in an empathy map helps UX teams align on a deep understanding of end users. The mapping process also reveals any holes in existing user data.
Customer Journey Map
It is the visualization of the process through which a user goes to perform an action in a product or service.

Based on this information, we created a unique point of view POV !
Enilze, 47 years old , mother of a 13-year-old girl and a house cleaner , needs better financial control of her accounts because she has a variable income. She needs to find ways to save and save money for her future goals and has realized that she can achieve this by adjusting her electricity consumption. Thus, she needs an affordable solution that helps her reduce and control her energy consumption and lower her bill.

Of Brazilians state that basic bills are the ones that weigh the most in the monthly budget, including the electricity bill.
Brazil is the second country with the most expensive electricity bill in the world.
Population of Brazilian capitals
Population of Brazilian capitals with access to smartphones and the internet from classes C, D, and E
- 52% - Corresponds to 16,694,080 - Population of Brazilian capitals with access to smartphones and the internet from classes C, D, and E seeking educational content
- 63% - Corresponds to 20,225,520 - Population of Brazilian capitals with access to smartphones and the internet from classes C, D, and E making purchases through apps

Matriz / CSD

National and international competitor apps were researched. The majority of our competitors are primarily focused on environmental awareness. Additionally, we lack a nationally-oriented tool with a focus on promoting energy consumption reduction.