Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) is a national institution for research and development in biological sciences, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and affiliated with the Ministry of Health.
The National Institute for Health Quality Control (INCQS) is a unit of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) that operates in areas of teaching, research and laboratory technologies related to the quality control of inputs, products, environments and services subject to to the action of the Health Surveillance. It acts in close cooperation with the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), with state and municipal Health Departments, among other partners.
Contribute to the promotion and recovery of health and disease prevention, acting as a national reference for scientific and technological issues relating to quality control of products, environments and services linked to health surveillance.
Be recognized as a public institution of reference for scientific and technological issues relating to quality control of products, environments and services linked to health surveillance

Redesign the system interface, assess user journeys, monitor and prioritize the backlog queue with the dev team. It was an end-to-end delivery, all the way to the content manager.
2018 - 6 months of project
My Role
Product Designer and Front-End
The process
O Design Thinking is an iterative process, which means you can go back to any of the steps if necessary. It's a flexible approach that puts user needs at the center of the problem-solving process, which often results in more effective, customer-centric solutions.
insight into the problem
- Benckmark
- Desk Research
- Interviews
the area to focus upon
- Journey and Flow
- Blueprint
potencial solutions
- Wireframe
- Prototype
- Usabilty Test
- User Flow
solutions that work
- Definition
- Componentization and integration

A product with a responsive web interface for end-users, with an internally developed manager. The Design System greatly aided in generating high-fidelity prototypes, and all validation tests surprised users in usability testing
Adalberto Lamim (Projetc Mananger)
Luis Renato (Developer)